The house of the Palestinian writer, scholar, poet and Arab nationalist Khalil Al-Sakakini who is a leading intellectual of literature, and the father of the ideological and literal novelty in Palestine and the Arab world.
His daughter Hala recalls in her book "Jerusalem & I" that her father built his house in Qatamon neighborhood in west Jerusalem in 1937 and he called it "Al Jazeera" – The Island,
and named the rooms, Damascus, Baghdad, Sana'a and Cordoba.
On the morning of April the 30th, 1948, Sakakini was expelled from his house; he was 70 years old, leaving behind his precious library and all his belongings to die in Cairo in 1953.
The house of Khalil al Sakakini that was a pilgrimage site for all Arab writers and Artists today is a headquarter for the World Zionist Organization for Women " Canadian Hadassa WIZO"
Meanwhile Qatamon neighborhood is now called Gonen.
Khalil al-Sakakini